DRAFT:These are no more than rough notes. Hopefully they will make sense to anyone who is curious about how I came to the conclusions that I reached in the previous blog post: Rev.
William Jackson and his GORE ancestry. I welcome input and correction. Always.
Who was Rev. William JACKSON's first wife?
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This marriage cert is a long shot, but .... Rev. William JACKSON was married by a Rev. Theophilus JONES to an Ann PALMER daughter of Matthew PALMER. NOTE: A Theophilus JONES, M.P. - who may or may not be the same person - was a son of Walter JONES and Olivia COOTE (daughter of Chidley COOTE). He was also secretary to Augustus Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol. Rev. William JACKSON had significant friendship with the wife of Augustus HERVEY, Elizabeth Chudleigh (1720–1788. There are too many compelling coincidences here to ignore. |
In the following Memorial of a Deed, is the
forename of Jackson’s grandmother (Elizabeth), and also the names of two of her
children by her first marriage to Col. Francis GORE. The same cluster of key townlands
included in this deed were echoed in more than half a dozen subsequent deeds. SEE:
GORE and SALE aka SALL deeds.
NOTE: The hyperlinked memorial numbers will take you to deeds accessed
through Family
Search’s memorials of deeds. My notes do not include the complete text, but
the original source can be found there. The hyperlinks of the townland names
will take you to the Irish Townlands
site. This gives the geographical context.
56-171-37456 1728 Mar
28 BTW John SALE of Dublin Esq. & Elizabeth his wife widow & relict of Coll. Francis GORE
deceased and Henry
GORE of same City Gent and eldest son & heir of the said Coll Francis
GORE and Francis GORE of same City Gent second son of the said Coll Francis
GORE of the 1st
pt & Tabitha BROWNE of City of London Spinster of 2nd pt. and
John TWIGGE of City of Dublin Merchant of 3rd pt. Whereby John
SALE, Elizabeth his wife Henry GORE and Francis GORE for the consideration of
£300 sold lands including Glanboy [Glenboy,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
One Quarter Townemoyle [aka Taunymoyle possibly Tawnymanus],
one Cartron Gortlenfort als Gortinlongport and Cloonine [Clooneen,
Parish Inishmagrath,
Barony Drumahaire,] one Cartron One parcel of Land called Dromore
Parish Killasnet,
Barony Rosclogher]
all in Barony of Drumahaire
and half Barony of Rosclogher Co.
Leitrim to Tabitha BROWNE her heirs and Assigns. WITNESS: George USSHER of
City of Dublin Merchant David MULLON of City of Dublin Writing Clerk and
Michael BARRY of City of Dublin Gent. Memorial WITNESS: Michael BARRY & Lewis HIGGINS John SALE
NOTE: A Cartron was an Anglo-Norman word used to designate
a “quarter of land”. Some these names morphed into townland names. Some just
disappeared. A few cautions. Often there is more than one townland with
the same name in the same county and that can straddle parish borders in the
same way that some of the parishes straddle Baronies. Current boundaries are
not always the same as in the original deeds.
NOTE: The parish of Killasnet is shaded in yellow and is on
the western border of Cloonclare
while the parish of Inishmagrath
is south of both parishes and nearby but not contiguous with either.
Half of the Parish of Cloonclare mentioned in
the above memorial is clearly in the Barony of Rosclogher and half of
it is in the Barony of Drumahaire.
This helps researchers to determine which townlands are either contiguous, or at
least nearby. Often the intervening townlands can be found in the hands of
Contemporary maps show where these parishes
are in relation to current roads and towns.
NOTE: The proximity of Manorhamilton aka Manor
Hamilton is likely to prove interesting
in terms of the Jackson family connections.
In the map above that shows the whole county of Leitrim, Innishmagrath is the southermost of the three parishes shaded in yellow.
These contemporary maps are useful when
overlaid with earlier road networks. For example, Skinner
and Taylors’ Maps of the Roads of Ireland, 2nd ed. 1783 shows
the distances and main routes between Manor Hamilton and the Town of Sligo. This is significant because of the numerous leases of the Gore
and Booth-Gore families both in Co. Sligo and Co. Leitrim. The holdings of Col.
Francis Gore in Leitrim listed in ROD:
56-171-37456 (near Manor Hamilton) were only about ten miles away from the Town of Sligo.
The highlighted route in the map above is the uppermost of the two routes circled beneath.
NOTE: Town of Sligo is page 60 [pdf pg 90]. Page 55 shows
distances. Page 4 shows context. Page 65 shows two ways to get to Sligo from
Mannor Hamilton and also includes the names of relations such as the WYNNEs.
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The marginalia on the blank page between Maps 2 & 3 may be useful with respect to JACKSON leases in Co. Meath. The JACKSONs of Drogheda were related somehow to the PEPPARDs. The selling of an estate in exchange for a horse was not uncommon among soldiers who had no interest in owning land: "Ballygarth with other denominations of land containing 700 acres confirmed to Captain George Pepper under the act of settlement from 1666. Tradition says that he was a Cromwellian Trumpeter & gave a white horse in exchange for the estate"...See also PEPPARDs of Co. Louth. |
Following a Cluster of Townlands in Co. Leitrim.
The same cluster of townlands mentioned in ROD:
56-171-37456 were part of marriage jointure when Elizabeth married Coll
Francis Gore, not that we yet know when they married.
ROD: 57-180-37906, 1728 May 28 BTW John SALE of City of Dublin Esq
& Elizabeth his wife of 1 pt & Henry GORE son of Elizabeth of the
other part. Reciting that when the said Elizabeth was married to the said
Henry GOREs father Colle Francis GORE and by deed of settlement was intitled to a jointure
which after the death of said husband Colle Francis GORE she
the Town and Lands of Glanby [Glenboy, Parish Cloonclare Barony of Drumahaire] containing one quarter Moyle one Cartron
Gortinport als Gortinlonport [Gortnalibbert, Parish Cloonclare Barony of Drumahaire] and Clonine [Clooneen, Parish Inishmagrath, Barony Drumahaire,] one Cartron one parcel of land called Dromore [Dromore, Parish Killasnet, Barony Rosclogher] in Barony Druminhare [Drumahaire] and half Barony and half Barony of
Rosscloghers [Rosclogher] in the Co. Leitrim & reciting that
whereas the reversion of the said lands belong to the said Henry GORE as
Son at the request of the said Elizabeth did enter into several
securities for the sum of £300 as well for the use of him the said Henry GORE
as of his brother Francis GORE youngest son of the said Colle Francis
GORE now the said deed witnesses that the said John SALL
and Elizabeth his wife in consideration of natural love and five
shillings sterling to them paid by the said Henry GORE did give and grant
unto the said Henry GORE and his assigns during the natural Life of the said
Henry GORE the annual Rent or Sum of Ten pounds sterling to be issuing and
payable half yearly … out of the aforesaid lands…. WITNESS: Edward SALE of
City of Dublin Esq. & Magneas SYKE of City of Dublin Gent and this
memorial WITNESS Henry SMITH of City of Dublin Gent.
66-145-45521 shows that the same townlands had previously been sold
& conveyed to said Collo Francis GORE deceased with the
reversion & reversions.
Lease and release btw
John SALE of City of Dublin Esq. & Elizabeth his wife widow and relict
of Collo Francis GORE. Henry GORE of the same City Gent Eldest
son & heir of said Collo Francis GORE deceased and Francis
GORE of the same place Gent 2nd son of Collo Francis
GORE deceased of the one part. Tabitha BROWNE of City of London Spinster of
the other part. Whereby John SALE Elizabeth his wife Henry GORE & Francis
GORE … confirmed to Tabitha BROWN all that and those the Town &
Villages Hamletts and Lands Tenements and Heritement of
Glanboy [Glenboy Parish Cloonclare Barony of Drumahaire] & Quarter Town Moyle one Cartron Hartfort als
Hortenlongport & Cloonine [Clooneen, Parish Inishmagrath, Barony Drumahaire,] One
Cartron one parcel of land called Drumore all situated and being in the
Barony of Drumaheir & half Barony of Rosselogher Co. Leitrim in as
large and as beneficial a manner as the same was sold & conveyed to
said Collo Francis GORE deceased with the reversion &
reversions …. Deed of release … redemption of said premises on payment of
sum of £450 and interest therof to the said Tabitha BROWN her heirs and
assigns … WITNESS: William ROUND of City of London Esq. Rd DARCRES
Clk to said Mr William ROUND Thomas WOULF of City of Dublin Merchant &
William SALE of the same Gent.
NOTE: An Abigail SALE, daughter of a William SALE married a Henry
JACKSON of Birr, Kings Co.
From ROD:
77-199-53333 we learn that Elizabeth not only outlived Coll Francis Gore
but also outlived her second husband John SALE. Again, the continuity of
townland names means there is no doubt that all these references are to the
same Elizabeth:
1734 May 17 ROD:
77-199-53333 BTW Elizabeth SALE
of City of Dublin widow of 1 pt & Francis CORKRAN of Sligo, Co. Sligo
Merchant of the other part of the town and lands of Gortinlamport [Gortnalibbert
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire],
Carrickmarnard and Drumamore the quarter of Glanboy [Glenboy,
Parish Cloonclare]
in Barony of Drumahair [Drumahaire] and the
sub denominations thereof viz Bunn and Barr of Faron [Barr
of Farrow, Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire] the Bun and Barr of Ardvarnagh [Ardvarney,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
Mincemore [Meenymore,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
Moneenlum [Moneenlom
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire],
Lullaghnebehy & Bricklunagh with the Tuck Mills of Glanboy [Glenboy,
Parish Cloonclare
]in Barony of Drumahair [Drumahaire] Co.
Leitrim from 1st May 1733 for term of 31 years if the said Elizabeth
SALE shall so long live … WITNESS; John KELLY one of the Attorneys of his
Majesty’s Court of Kings Bench in Ireland; Francis JACKSON [Probably from
Duddington] Gent of City of Dublin.
Who was the GORE grandmother of Rev.
William Jackson?
Although many Irish wills went up in smoke
in 1922, Betham’s Abstracts GORE has an abstract which shows not
only that Elizabeth Sale ors Gore had written her will in 1732, but that it was
not proved until 1744. Perhaps it took a decade to be proved because there was
an overabundance of lawyers in the family, or else because the double marriages
added complexity. This is guesswork.
The deed beneath reveals that Elizabeth Sale
had already died sometime before Feb 5, 1735, therefore between 1732-1735. One
other key tidbit in the deed that follows is Elizabeth’s birth name: Tiffin.
1735 Feb 5 ROD:
Henry GORE of City of Dublin Gent son & heir of Francis GORE and of
Elizabeth SALE als GORE both deceased of the 1 pt & Francis CORKRAN
of Sligo, Co. Sligo Merchant of the other pt. Henry GORE demised to Francis
CORKRAN townlands of Taunymoyle [possibly Tawnymanus],
Gortinlamport, [Gortnalibbert
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
Carrickmarnad Drimore and the [?] of Glanboy [Glenboy,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
and the subdenominations thereof the Bunn and Barr of Faron [Barr
of Farrow, Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire] the Bun and Barr of Ardvarnagh [Ardvarney,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
Mincemore [Meenymore,
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire]
Moneenlum [Moneenlom
Parish Cloonclare
Barony of Drumahaire],
Lullaghnebehy & Bricklunagh with the Tuck Mills of Glanboy [Glenboy,
Parish Cloonclare
]in Barony of Drumahair [Drumahaire] Co. Leitrim for term of
31 years. WITNESSED: Edward SALE of City of Dublin Doctor of Laws &
Francis DUANY of this City Surgeon & Thomas WILLS of said City Gent
Memorial witness: Thomas WILLS & Francis CHAMBERLAIN of City of Dublin
NOTE: The parish of Cloonclare is just
east of Manorhamilton.
The following deed shows that Elizabeth als
Sale als Gore als Tiffin, most likely had rights to leases in Castle Street in
the Town of Sligo. This is the first deed that is at least circumstantial evidence of the Sligo-Gore
connection first mentioned in the newspaper accounts of Rev. William Jackson in 1794. SEE: The
United Irishmen – Their Lives and Times.
1735 Feb 13 ROD:
– CORKRAN The Plotts & Houses in Possession of Stephen Crean & [?]
Henry GORE of City of Dublin Gent son & heir of Francis GORE & of
Elizabeth SALE als GORE als TIFFIN both deceased of 1 pt & Francis
CORKRAN of Sligo, Co. Sligo Merchant of the other pt. Henry GORE set to
Francis CORKRAN Plotts and Houses in Castle Street Town of Sligo in possession of
Stephen CREAN & Patrick WIGGINS and Their undertenants for term of 31
years… WITNESS: Man CORNYN of City of Dublin Gent & Thomas WILLs of same
An incomplete entry in Baronetage
and Knightage of the British Empire - 2nd part of The Peerage,
Baronetage and Knightage Joseph Foster 1882 ed. p.266 echoes the Tiffin
aka Tyffan link. NOTE: The father-n-law of Col
Francis GORE was also a Col. Service
in the army was the source of their connection.
Another genealogy was included in The
Gentleman's and London Magazine: Or Monthly Chronologer, 1741-1794 page
485. Published in September 1746, it was at least close to contemporaneous and
it mentions a son Tyffan Gore. His name does not show up in the deeds as a son
of Col. Francis GORE. There is a possibility that there was confusion with a
grandson of Col. Tyffan. That Tiffan Gore was the son of Rev. Francis Gore.
A will for a Zacharia Tiffin in 1702 in
Dublin led me back to Bethams Abstracts, and to an abstract which identifies
Elizabeth Tiffin as the daughter of Col. Tiffin aka Tyffan. Elizabeth GORE né TIFFIN
was already widowed.
INSERT Zacharia TIFFIN 1702
Combining regiment lists with deeds
research can be rewarding because of the nature of the bonds formed between men
in battle. In the English
Army Lists and Commission Registers 1661-1714, Vol 3 p.330 are names that I
have highlighted. I have also interpolated my own notes into some of the
REGT. OF FOOT. [1693]
Johnson l to be Capt. of the
Grendr. Cy. vice Henry Fox. Dated W'hall, 19 Apr.
Wallis 2 to be Capt. of Capt. Jno.
Johnson's late Cy. Dated W'hall, 19 Apr.
(sic) Cunningham3 to be Capt. vice
Jno. Clayton. Dated W'hall, 10 July.
Simmons 4 to be Capt.-Lieut. Dated
W'hall, 10 July.
Chris. Philips5 to be Lieut. to
Capt. Murto Cuningham. Dated W'hall, 10 July.
Duxberry 6 to be Ens. to do. Dated
W'hall, 10 July.
Knox 7 to be Ens. to Capt. Wm. Wallis.
Dated W'hall, 10 July.
Guy8 to be Quarter-Master. Dated
W'hall, 20 July.
St. Quintin9 to be Capt. vice Wm.
Walls. Dated W'hall, 31 Aug.
Griffin 10 to be Ens. to Capt. Geo.
Carleton. Dated W'hall, 1 Sept.
Yates11 to be Ens. to Col. Tiffin's own Cy. Dated W'hall, 1
Philips12 to be Ens. to Capt. Watson.
Dated W'hall, 1 Sept.
Henry Tiffin13 to be
Quarter-Master. Dated W'hall, 1 Sept.
Cormack14 to be Surgeon. Dated , 24
Curry15 to be Ens. to Capt.
Jno. Curry. Dated , 26 Nov.
Baird 16 to be Ens. to Capt. Fras.
Gore. Dated W'hall, 30 Nov.
Henry Tiffin 17 to be Lieut. to Lt.-Col. Gore. Dated W'hall, 30 Nov. Ric. Newstead 18 to be Capt. vice Davenport. Dated W'hall, 1 Dec. Robt. Johnson 19 to be Lieut. to Capt. Watson. Dated W'hall, 1 Dec. Chris. Davenport 20 to be Lieut. to Capt. Smith. Dated W'hall, 1 Dec. Leonard Thickpenny 21 to be Ens. to Capt. Newstead. Dated W'hall, 1 Dec.
1 M. E. B. 2. See p. 122, where
his name is given as Johnston. Serving in above Regt. in 1698.
Ibid. Out of the Regt. 31 Aug. 1693. » Ibid. See p. 274, note
Ibid. Promoted Capt.
Apr. 1695. Called Symonds in other Lists.
Ibid. Appointed Quarter-Master 20 Aug. 1694. NOTE: Christopher PHILLIPS was a nephew of Zacharia TIFFIN. SOURCE:
Bentham’s Abstracts.
6 Ibid. Duzbury. Serving
in Flanders in 1694.
7 Ibid. Serving in Flanders in 1694.
Ibid. Out of the Regt. 1 Sept. 1693.
Ibid. Appears to have been bro. to Walter St. Quintin, for whose comn.
see p. 244, and note 1. Serving in Flanders in 1694.
10 Ibid. Serving in
Flanders in 1694.
11 Ibid. Not in the List of
the Regt. for 1694.
Ibid. See p. 274, note 8.
13 Ibid. See Vol. II. p.
207. NOTE: This Henry TIFFIN was possibly
a son of Zacharia TIFFIN. A Capt. Henry TIFFIN was mentioned in his will.
SEE: Bentham’s Abstracts.
14 This comn. appears only in the Flanders
Army Lilt for 1694.
15 Ibid. Curry or Corry.
For obliging this officer to fight a duel with him, Capt. George
Carleton, of the same Regt., was dismissed the Service by sentence of a Court-Martial
held in Ireland in May 1700 (English Historical Review, Vol. VI. p.
107.) Ens. Alex. Corry accompanied his Regt. to the West Indies in 1701, and
attained the rank of Capt. 81 Mar. 1709.
16 M. E. B. 8. Serving in Flanders
in 1694.
M. E. B. 2. See note 13.
18 M. E. B. 8. Serving in Flanders
in 1694.
19 Ibid. Do. A certain
Robt. Johnston was appointed Capt.-Lieut, in Col. Jas. Stanley's Regt.
of Foot 1 May 1694.
Ibid. Out of the Regt. in 1694.
21 Ibid. Promoted Lieut. 8
Jan. 1698. Adjt. 14 May 1699.
Page 122 In 1689, Francis GORE was still in Col. Zacharia Tiffin’s
Inniskillings Regiment of Foot, and according to the footnotes: Commanded a troop of
Inniskilling Horse under Col. Lloyd in May 1689. He was 3rd son of Sr. Fras. G.
of Artaman, Co. Sligo (4th son of Sr. Paul G., Bt.).
The Colonel, who is at present detached
in the neighbourhood of St. James Town,
served as Major to Steuart's Regiment,
and seems to be a very good officer. In regard
to this Regiment it is without
distinction the same as the preceding corps.
1. Zach. Tiffin,1 Col.
2. Fras. Gore,2 Lt.-Col.
3. Wm. (?) Smith,3' Major.
4. Jno. (?) Ffolliott.4
5. Malcolm Cathcart.6
6. Tho. Armstrong,6 white.
S. 7. — Armstrong, black.
f 8. — Davenport..
9. David Rynd.7
10. Oliver Jackson.8
11. Jno. Johnston.9
12. Henry Smith.10
13. Jno. Corry.11
* Now known as the Rl. Inniskilling
Fusiliers. Formed from companies raised by Gustovns
Hamilton, Govr. of Enniskillen, early in
1689. The officers reed. their first comns. from Maj.-Gen.
Kirke, and they were dated 20 June 1689.
I See his various comns. in Vols. I. and
II. Received his comn. as Col. of above Regt. from Maj.-
Gen. Kirke 20 June 1689. His comn. as
Col. from Wm. III. was dated 20 July 1689. See Flanders
Army List for 1694.
2 Commanded a troop of Inniskilling Horse
under Col. Lloyd in May 1689. He was 3rd son of
Sr. Fras. G. of Artaman, Co. Sligo (4th
son of Sr. Paul G., Bt.). Md. Col. Tiffin's daughter (Burke's Baronetage,
art. Gore-Booth). Served throughout the Irish campaign and in Flanders.
3 Probably the Capt. Wm. Smith who
distinguished himself in the battle of Newtown Butler, on
1 Aug. 1689, by cutting off with his
sword, at one blow, the top of an Irish soldier's h^ad, just under
his hat, not leaving even a bit of skin
to keep the two portions of the man's skull together. (Andrew
Hamilton's True Relation of the Men of
Inniskilling, p. 43). D. or left the Regt. before 22 Apr.
4 Probably the " Colonel " Jno.
Ffolliott noticed in Burke's Landed Gentry as being son of Jno.
F., of Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal.
Appointed Major of the Rl. Irish Dns. 6 June 1694. Out of
latter Regt. 1 Nov. 1694.
' D. or left the Regt. before 6 Apr.
6 The word " white " after this
officer's name in the MS. was, presumably, to distinguish him from
his namesake, who was of darker
complexion. The " fair " Captain d. or left the Regt. before 19
7 Left the Regt. 21 Mar. 1692. Eldest son
of David R., of Enniskillen, by Margt., sister of Sr.
Gerard Irvine, Bt., of Derryvolan, Co.
Fermanagh. High Sheriff 1681. Attainted by Jas. II.'s
Irish Parlt. in 1689. D. about 1723.
Burke's Landed Gentry.
8 Oliver Jackson. Signed an address to
King Wm. and Queen Mary 6 Aug. 1689. (Rev. A.
Hamilton's True Relation of the Men of
Inniskilling, Appx.) Eldest son of Capt. Tho. Jackson,
who is said to have come over to Ireland
as Capt. of Dragoons in Cromwell's Army, and to have
aftds. purchased an estate in Co. Mayo.
Capt. Oliver J. was of Enniscoe, Co. Mayo, and d. in 1691.
Burke's Landed Gentry.
9 Appointed Capt. of the Grendr. Cy. IS
July 1691. Served in Flanders in 1694-5.
10 Promoted Major 12 Mai. 1692. Out of
the Regt. 27 July 1694.
II Called " Capt. Corry, Colonel of
Foot," in Wm. M'Cormick's Further Relation of the Men of
Inniskilling. Served in Flauders in 1694.
NOTE: Zacharia Tiffin was the first to raise the Royal
Irish Regiment in Enniskillen in 1689. Tiffin’s
regiment, which originated with forces raised by Gustavus Hamilton, was one
of those supporting King William III and he was active in the 'neighbourhood
of St. James Town'.
The will of Zacharia Tiffin connected to the
abstract to a will of Francis Gore in another
Bentham’s Abstract in 1701,. This one names the minor aged children of Francis
and Elisabeth: Henry, Catherine and Anne. The youngest daughter, Anne, would
become the mother of Rev. William Jackson. Because Anne was still a minor at the
time of her father Col. Francis Gore’s death, she would have been born sometime
between 1680-1701.
INSERT 1701 Francis GORE
![]() |
Francis GORE to Elizabeth GORE the wife and relict
Catherine & Anne Minor children
granted 28 Feb 1701
NOTE: Why Francis Gore is not mentioned in his father’s will, I don’t know
– but this kind of omission happens and often for no discernable reason.
NOTE: In 1701, at the time of Col Francis GORE’s
death, Zacharia Tiffin's regiment was in Antigua
Since the birth date of, Rev. Francis Gore,
the youngest son of Elizabeth Tiffin and Col Francis GORE was about 1684, it is
likely that she would have been too late-in-life to conceive a child in her 2nd
marriage to John Sale. That marriage had to have been sometime after 1701. Rev.
Francis Gore (1684-1763) of St. Patrick’s Close, Dublin named one of his sons Tyffin
Gore –a variant spelling of Tiffin.
The above entry from Benthams is revealing
when coupled with the following deeds:
7-354-2668. 1711 Feb
BTW John SALE of City of Dublin
Esq. of 1 pt & Joseph DAMER of same Esq of the other pt. Reciting deed
Rev William Lord Archbishop of Dublin 6 Nov 1704 demised to John SALE 2
tenements situate and being together in the street leading from the Poddle
unto Blind Gate at St. Patrick’s Street theretofore held and enjoyed by Henry
CLIFFE and Mary DRINKWATER and then in possession of Elinor SALE widow
bounded north and south with tenements then in possession of Leonard
DOBBs & backwards with the Archdeacon’s wall … lease for 40 years … John
SALE in consideration of £200 pd by Joseph DAMER assigned the aforementioned
houses with all other Houses Buildings and Improvements … belonging to John
I believe this John SALE was the husband of Elizabeth GORE als TIFFIN, and
that Elinor was his mother.
104-432-73783. 1742 Apr 28
Lease btw John SALE of Rathcale
Co. Limerick of 1 pt & Richard COLLES of Patrick Street Co. Dublin
Currier of the other pt. reciting the Ellin SALE of Newrow in the
Liberties of Thomas Court & Donore & Co. Dublin widow by indenture of
lease 8 May 1701 demised to Thomas MURPHY of Newrow aforesaid Farmer all that
old house in Newrow aforesaid wherein Edmund SALE Gent deceased
formerly lived adjoining the dwelling house of the said Ellin SALE
with the back house Tan Yard & Lime Yard & Appurtenances in which
lease there is an exemption… reserving out of the [?] demised unto the said Ellin
SALE her heirs and assigns during the term herin granted a piece of
ground or Garden next adjoining to the Backyard of her said Dwelling House
& Conveniency of a Hayrick over against the Stable hereafter Excepted
& also Excepting & reserving unto the said Eillin SALE her
heirs and assigns the said Stable on the Premises with Free Passage at all
times from the said River & House of Easement theron & the use &
Privilege therof and only the use of the Brew House on the said Premises as
Often as Occasion requires
NOTE: This is not the John SALE who was the
husband of Elizabeth GORE als TIFFIN. I suspect that he was a nephew and a
son of Edmund.
210-41-137815. 1761 Jan 12
BTW Francis GORE of Patrick’s Close Co.
Dublin Esq heir of Henry GORE late of City of Dublin Esq. & Samuel COX of
Patrick Close Peruke Maker … land in Town of Sligo, Co. Sligo formerly held
by Henry GORE demised to Francis CORKRAN deceased and formerly in possession
of Edward CORKRAN and undertenants
210-578-140469, 1761 Oct 16
BTW Francis GORE of Patrick’s Close Co.
Dublin Esq heir of Henry GORE late of City of Dublin Esq. & Samuel COX of
Patrick Close Wigmaker. Francis GORE assigned to Samuel COX & to his
heirs lawfully begotten by Elizabeth COX otherwise GORE the wife of Samuel
COX the daughter of Francis GORE .. house near town of Sligo formerly by
Henry GORE demised & in possession of Francis COCKRAN deceased & his
undertenants. … WITNESS: John MEDCALFE Thomas BAYLY John MARTINEAU
NOTE: Anne GORE who married Richard JACKSON
would be a sister of (Rev) Francis GORE. Henry GORE was likely their brother.
Their sister Elizabeth married Samuel
The dots are already starting to connect.
Elizabeth Tiffin first married a Col. Francis Gore, and then after his death, a
John Sale. In her first marriage, she has sons Henry Gore and Francis Gore. A Speer
family tree on rootsweb mirrors much of that I have found through deeds
about Col. Francis Gore. As in other trees, it shows that Col Francis Gore (d.
1728) was an uncle of Sir Nathanial Gore (1692-1737).
County Wicklow and the SALE-GORE-JACKSON
connections in and near Sandmount.
Dr. Edward SALE, son of John SALE is first
mentioned in ROD:
75-270-52899. 1733
Mar 13 BTW John CRAWFORD Esq on behalf of Sir William DUDLEY
Baronet & others interested in the Manor of Mount Kennedy, Co. Wicklow of
the 1 pt & Doctr Edward SALE of the other part. Whereby the said John
CRAWFORD let to the said Edward SALE the lands of Sandymount Park parcel of
the said Manor except such part of Sandymount as the said Edward SALE is intitled to under a
lease of lives heretofore granted to John SALE Esq. his father. By Sir
Richard KENNEDY Baronet Deceased and also the Lough Meadow on the west side
of the orchard of Mount Kennedy which premises are now in the tenure or
occupation of the said Edward SALE and are lying in the Barony of New Castle
Co. Wicklow to hold for Edward SALE for the lives of him the said Edward SALE
and Katherine his wife and Avis SALE spinster his sister … WITNESS Richard
JONES of Newtown Mountkennedy Co. Wexford Gent & James ENGLISH of the
City of Dublin GENT. Mem WITNESS: James ENGLISH & Harvey SALE jr of City
of Dublin
A decade later, the death of Dr. Edward Sale as noted in ROD:
109-354-76168 and his wife Catherine SALE is described in that deed
as a widow as is Ann Jackson.
Ann JACKSON of City of Dublin widow
of 1 pt & Catherine SALE of City of Dublin widow of Edward SALE Esq
edc’d doctor of Laws. Ann JACKSON in consid of £443 to her paid by the
said Catherine SALE did make over land known by the name of Sandymount Park cont 10 acres in Manor of
Mount Kennedy Parish & Barony of Newcastle, Co Wicklow. WITNESS:
Henry GORE & Pat DUNN both of City of Dublin Gent. Signed by Anne JACKSON
NOTE: Newtown
Mount Kennedy, Parish Upper Newcastle,
Barony Newcastle,
Demesne, Parish of Upper Newcastle,
in the Barony of Newcastle
Edward Sale’s death is corroborated by the notice in The
Gentlemans and London Magazine or Monthly Chronologer 1741-1794. He probably died in
February. At the time of his death he was the Register of the Consistory Court
in Dublin and was and was described as T.U.D. In November 1737 in The
Gentleman and Citizens Almanack for 1737 , he was Register of
the Consistory Court in Dublin and a J.U.D. (Juris Utriusque Doctor - Doctor Both of Canon and Civil Law),
It is Dr. Edward Sale’s leases of 10 acres of
Sandymount in Co. Wicklow, which strongly indicate that Anne Jackson nee Gore
is the mother of Rev. William Jackson. SEE: Leases mentioning Sandymount Co Wicklow.
Mar 24. ROD:
Ann JACKSON of City of Dublin
widow of 1 pt & Catherine SALE of City of Dublin widow of Edward SALE
Esq edc’d doctor of Laws. Ann JACKSON in consid of £443 to her paid
by the said Catherine SALE did make over land known by the name of Sandymount Park cont 10 acres in Manor of Mount
Kennedy Parish & Barony of Newcastle, Co Wicklow. WITNESS: Henry
GORE & Pat DUNN both of City of Dublin Gent. Signed by Anne JACKSON
The deed beneath contains
the earliest date that shows Anne JACKSON as a
widow. If the birthdate for Rev. William Jackson is accurate – abt 1737, then
he was fatherless at a very early age and would likely have been living in
Dublin with his mother. Given that his father was Proctor in Dublin, this is a
logical location for at least some of his early years.
1740 Sep 3 ROD: 102-223-70490 Whereby Marlborough STERLING granted to Anne
JACKSON of the City of Dublin Widow & heirs subject to condition of redemption all
that parcel of land known as Sandymount Park Containing
10 acres
in Manor of Mount Kennedy & Parish & Barony of New Castle Co.
Wicklow. WITNESS: William ALKINS & Matthew PAGEIT both of City of Dublin
Combined with information from previous
posts, we now have the start of a family tree:
Col Francis
GORE d. Bef 1728, prob of Co. Leitrim
+ Elizabeth
TIFFIN b. prob bef 1664, d. Between 1732 and 1735, Of Dublin
… 2-Anne GORE
+ Richard
JACKSON b. prob bef 1680, m. Bef 1720, d. prob bef 1740,
of Ballycastle, Parish Grey Abbey, Co. Down. (but probably died in Dublin) UPDATE: August 10, 2023. I now believe that this Ballycastle is more likely to have been the Ballycastle in Co. Antrim: Ballycastle the town is in Town
Parks, Parish Ramoan,
Barony Cary]
.........3-Dr. of Law Richard JACKSON b. Est 1720,
Ballycastle, Grey
Abbey Civil Parish, Barony of Ards Lower, Co. Down., d. Between 1768 and
Of Dublin
.........3-Male JACKSON b. btw 1720-1737
.........3-Male JACKSON b. btw1720-1737
.........3-Rev. William JACKSON b. Abt 1737, d. 30 Apr 1795, Dublin, Bur.
St. Michans Church, City of Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland
… 2-Henry GORE b. Bef 1684, Co. Clare
… 2-Rev. Francis GORE b. Abt 1684, d. Bef 1763, of
St. Patrick's
Close, Co. Dublin
Bentham’s Abstracts includes notes from the will of Col
Francis’ brother Richard Gore of Sligo:
Richard GORE of Sligo Esq.
12 Feb 1752 - 19 Nov 1753
Daughters Anne GORE, Gertrude [?]
Eldest son Richard
Son Francis
Daughter Deborah Baily
Nephews Henry GORE
Brother Col. Francis [GORE]
Other secondary sources also include
Francis as a brother of Richard and hence a son of Sir Francis Gore and Lady
Anne Parke.
SIR FRANCIS GORE (4th son of Sir Paul Gore, see Earl of Arran) of
Artaman, co Sligo Knt. M.P. for that County 1661, lieut-col Chidley Coote’s
Regiment of Foot 1660, had a grant of lands in cos Kilkenny, Sligo and Galway,
1660 he married Anne, dau of Capt. Robert Parke of Sligo and of Newtown, Co.
Leitrim (she re-m to Percy Gethin Esq. (BART) and d Feb 1713 having had with other issue, 5 sons…. (1) Sir Robert of
Newtown Gore … (2) Paul of Corstown, Co. Kilkenny … (3) Francis married _____
dau of Col. Tyffin, and had a son Tyffan. Baronetage
and Knightage of the British Empire - 2nd part of The Peerage,
Baronetage and Knightage Joseph Foster 1882 ed. (pg. 264-266)
Although in this pedigree he is not
identified as Col Francis Gore, the fact that his wife is
identified as a daughter of Col Tyffin completes
the puzzle..
NOTE: The deeds work does not corroborate the allegation in the Baronetage
and Knightage that Col Francis Gore had a son named Tyffan, but Bentham’s Abstracts mentions a grandson
named Tiffin Gore, son of Rev. Francis GORE.
Francis GORE St. Patricks Close Co. Dublin 13 July pd 1 Mar 1763
Wife Margaret GORE ors Powell
Mother Elizabeth Sale ors GORE widow of John Sale
Son-in-law Samuel Cox
Daughter Elizabeth Cox wife of Do
Sone Tiffin GORE
Daughter Catherine Marks
A map of Co. Leitrim shows where the
various brothers and cousins of Col. Francis Gore had holdings in Co. Leitrim
Although the property that Col. Francis
Gore passed on to his sons in Co. Leitrim seems to have come from the dower of
his mother Anne Parke, his Gore relations obviously had been landlords in surrounding
parishes.His father was an officer in Lieutenant-Colonel Coote's Regiment, so
it is worth noting that there was more than one Coote-Gore intermarriage
attesting to the closeness of the Coot and Gore families.
spite of the land holdings in Co. Leitrim passed on to the sons of Col Francis
Gore, his father is most often associated with Artaman, Co. Sligo. Like most of
the Gores, he held land and had political connections to more than one county.
His eldest son Sir Robert Gore picked up most of the Co. Leitrim holdings with
his third son Col. Francis Gore scoring leaner pickings,
Chidley Coote held several leases in Co.
Leitrim. This adds to the circumstantial links of other family connections.
OTHER SALE references found in Bentham’s Abstracts (There are also others that are not included beneath):
Sale, Edmond of the City of Dublin Gent and
Harvey Ellen of Naas Co. Kildare spinster
dated 11 April 1672.
174 John ROTHERAM will 1760. daughter
Eleanor SALE
60 Samuel ROTHERAM of Croagham Kings Co.
Farmer and Martha SALE of Parish of Saint Anne Spinster 18 Jun 1778
356 Sale Isaac of Faddingmore Kings Co.
Gent to Elizabeth S. of Dublin the Widow & Relict Elinor & Lucy Sale
the children dat 11 Apr 1695.
208 Samuel SALE of Gurteenkeel dated 1777
Son Edward, Daughter Elinor Hart wife of John Hart and Martha Sale, wife Elinor
Daughter Mary Sale.
216 Elizabeth Desminiers of Dublin Widow 26
April 1722 20 Dec 1725
Dau Judith [Peerley?]
Gr son Arthur Padmore
Gr dau Elizabeth Padmore
-------- Elizabeth Sale
Dau Elizabeth [Courdee?]
199 Murphy, John of Ballydigane Co.
Limerick Gent dated 25th March 1776 proved 2nd July 1776
Granddaughter Mary & Elizabeth SALE.
199 George SALE of [Coolian] Co. Kildare
Gent dated 1715 daughters Mary, Elinor and Martha. Sons Samuel and Thomas
389 Isaac SALE of Dublin tanner & Eliza
Clarke of Athy diocese of Dublin spinster April 16, 1677
Cowell, John Ballhary Co. Dublin Farmer to
John SALE of Hacketstown Co. Dublin farmer the nephew Admon granted 6 Oct 1652
99 SALE Samuel of Cloncan Co. Kildare
farmer dated ___ proved 17 Oct 1753
Son John – wife Thomasine – daughters Mary
& Elinor
John Cramer – brother Thomas Sale relation Mr. Thomas Tyrrell sr. of Kilcrony
195 SALE Thomas of Colcor Co. Kildare
farmer dated 23 Feb 1787 proved 24 Nov 1789
Younger son Samuel Eldest son William.
Daughters Martha Rotheram – Barbara Grattan & Elinor Mathers ors Sale niece
Sarah Lynam of Dublin widow.